Hydro Energy

The Hydropower Conference and Exhibition

Hydropower and Hydroelectric energy in general is the largest Renewable Energy Source, RES. It is by far the largest RES and it is the renewable energy source which was firstly exploited and used to produce useful work for mankind.Hydrovision which will take place in July 23-26 2013 at Colorado USA is the world’s largest hydropower event.
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Hydropower Energy

Hydropower is the power of water. Hydro comes from the Greek word ‘’ύδωρ ‘’ which means water. What does Hydropower mean? Hydropower is the energy contained in the moving water. Moving water means either falling water or running water. This energy, or this force, may be captured so as to produce useful work and be used for useful purposes.
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Hydroelectric Energy is the number one renewable energy

Hydroelectric energy accounts for about 6% of the YTD 2012 total production of electricity and it is by far the number one renewable green energy source in terms of electricity production. It is also the first used renewable energy source and it is widely used in areas with massive water flow.
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Hydroelectric Power Facts

Hydroelectric Power is until this day the number one renewable green energy source in the world in terms power output. It is also the first used renewable energy sources, RES, for the production of electricity. The first hydroelectric plant was built at Niagara Falls, Canada, in 1879 and in 1882 the first hydroelectric plant operated in USA at Appleton Wisconsin.
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Hydropower and Hydroelectric Energy Facts and Figures

Hydroelectric Energy is one of the three forms of water energy. The other two forms of water energy being the tidal and wave energy. Water energy in its turn is one of the 5 renewable green energy sources. It is worth to collect and accumulate the important and crucial facts and figures about this important renewable green energy source.
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What is Hydropower?

One of the first questions which come to mind when people hear about Hydropower is: What is Hydropower? It takes some reading and some analysis of the word to understand and the importance of Hydropower in our lives.
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